
No more JavaScript!

Haven't written a post in a while. Firstly, hope you have a merry Christmas.

This will be a short little post, probably not even any section titles, but I just want to say... there's no more JavaScript on this website! Yay! In a previous post I said, "I am sure that the blinking underscore can completely be redone in CSS, but I am too down syndromed to research how to do it". This is me talking about the blinking cursor on the header of this website next to "withering@away ~ $". Well, I researched how to do it, and now this website is fully JavaScript free! Yay!

I'll take this time to talk about something I would LOVE from vanilla HTML. If you looked at the source code of this website, it'd feel like you just gave the Sandman a blowjob from how DRY it looks, everything is repeated in each HTML file. What would be nice is if you could source HTML files similar to how you can source JavaScript files from script tags, for example: <header src="header.html"></header>, like that'd be sick if I didn't have to copy and paste my giant header in every HTML file.

Anywho, that's all I needed to say, hope you have a holly jolly Christmas and a happy New Years.